


EGR Valve Cleaner Spray


EGR Cleaner - EGR Valve & Carb Cleaner Spray The perfect cleaner for EGR Valves, carburettors, idle & butterfly valves. Spray can be used to clean all engine parts, fuel deposits, fats,...

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Engine Oil Flush Additive


Wolfchester Engine Flush Additive Single Dose Bottle Quickly & safely dissolves sludge & varnish deposits allowing removal with drained engine oil.   Technical Details 325ml Single...

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Engine Oil Stop Leak


Wolfchester Engine Oil Stop Leak Stops & prevents leakages through seals and eliminates the need for expensive engine repair. It does this by making seals swell back to original size and regain...

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Finishing Wax Polish 103

$119.00 $60.45

Finishing Wax Polish 103 103 gives car paints a new appearance and a high grade of long lasting gloss and protection. It's easy to use, without any stripes on the surface. Easily removes pieces of...

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